Joanna’s Story: Finding Her Voice

Youth Empowerment

We first met Joanna when she came to stay in our Hope House with her mother and brother because of domestic violence. Even though her family found safe refuge at Hope House, Joanna was still processing a lot of trauma. She was quiet and reclusive, preferred to stay alone in the back of the room, and often refused to answer questions. 

Through the Garden of Hope Youth Empowerment Program, Joanna learned ways to advocate for her needs and slowly gained the confidence to share her thoughts and opinions. Joanna is now often the first to speak during discussions, helps care for young children in our kids program, and is always eager to help during our community outreach events. 

Joanna says, “Ever since joining the Youth Empowerment Program, I feel as if I have been growing positively and this program has changed my life for the better. I met tons of youth who are similar in age and who I can interact and talk to. I also get to grow many skills I may need in life such as leadership skills, time management, and a positive growth mindset.”

From a withdrawn preteen to a courageous and thoughtful teenager, we are so proud of Joanna and can't wait to see what she will do next!