Elder Abuse

Garden of Hope’s Elder Abuse Program helps elders who are survivors of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, neglect, abandonment, and financial exploitation. We are committed to protecting the well-being and dignity of the older adults in our community.

Ways We Help

Gloria’s Story: My New Family

Elder Abuse

My name is Gloria and I am 68 years old. In 2016, I suffered from domestic violence at the hands of my ex-husband. He met another younger woman so he wanted a divorce immediately and for me to move out of the house as soon as possible. I’d just had major hip surgery so I couldn’t work at the time and had to use a cane to walk around. I was scared to stay in the house because my ex-husband would throw things and hit me— but if I moved out, I wouldn’t be able to afford the rent for my own place. It felt like an impossible choice. 

I was out of options and I thought about ending my life. Out of desperation, I decided to call 311 for help. The hotline referred me to Garden of Hope and I immediately contacted them. The counselors that met with me were compassionate and understanding. They immediately provided me with safe temporary housing and took care of my basic needs. My counselor helped me apply for long-term housing and government benefits. Before long, I was able to move out of the temporary shelter and into my own place.

During the pandemic, the dedicated staff at Garden of Hope continued to reach out and care for me. During the height of the pandemic, because I lived alone and am elderly, I couldn’t even leave the house to get groceries. Garden of Hope faithfully delivered food and masks to my home every week and helped me get through the tough times with financial assistance. I attended online courses held by Garden of Hope every week where we learned English, read the Bible and sang hymns. Garden of Hope always made sure that I never felt forgotten during the holidays, from giving gifts to arranging events for seniors like myself at the park or fun meal gatherings.

Garden of Hope has done so much for me— too many things for me to list one by one. Even though I still feel loneliness and grief sometimes, because of Garden of Hope, I feel like I have a family again. Through the Garden of Hope, I’ve come to know the Lord and I know that in Christ, we are a new creation and have a new family. I have confidence in life again and renewed strength and boldness. 

Garden of Hope is so important to all of us because it is our home. Everyone at Garden of Hope greets me with a smile that warms the hearts of lonely and wounded souls like me. I want to thank all of the dedicated staff at Garden of Hope, and praise the Lord for all that you do!