A Journey to Finding Hope Again: “ Hotline helped me leave my abusive marriage and regain hope.”

Xiu Shan Zhang, a victim of domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA). She suffered from abusive marriage for a decade. GOH Hotline saves her from marital rape and provides her a safe guide [...]

A Journey to Finding Hope Again: “I am not the one to be shamed, my abusers should be ashamed and prosecuted.”

Hui Peng, a victim of an abusive relationship, after couple of years being silent, she decided to break that silence by talking about her sexual assault experience. Now, she constantly [...]

A Journey To Finding Hope Again: “Project We helped me learn new skills and get a job”

Liu Wen was 50 when she arrived to NYC alone from northern China to get away from an abusive marital relationship which lasted for more than two decades. She is a labor trafficking victim who was [...]